Dual Resonator Kit Assmebly

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Info: Dual Resonator

Purchase: Tindie or FriedCircuits.us

The Dual Resonator kit comes with a few parts that need some soldering.

Included parts

Included parts

The kit comes with the following parts. If you are missing any please contact support@friedcirciuits.us

  • 1x PCb
  • 1x 8Mhz Resonator
  • 1x SMD Switch
  • 1x 16Mhz Resonator
  • 3pin heade

If you have a 3rd third hand it makes soldering much easier due to the small size of the PCB.

  1. Start with the SMD switch. It can be placed either direction.
    1. Apply solder to 1 of the pads.
    2. While heating the pad place the switch.
    3. Once aligned remove the heat.
    4. Solder the rest of the pins.
  2. Insert each resonator and bend the pins slightly to the side so they don’t fall out when you flip it over.
    1. Flip over and solder each of the pins
    2. Clip the leads just above the solder joint.
  3. Holding one side of the headers apply soldering to the opposite side and opposite pin, careful not to burn yourself.
    1. Once aligned solder the rest of the pins.


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